Juhkentali 8, Tallinn Estonia 10132
+372 5980 2907 info@avchealth.eu
The best you can find in insurance

Please see the following information regarding the privacy policy of the information.

Privacy Statement

AVC Health takes customer information security seriously. We value our relationships and maintain loyalty and respect for each client, ensuring your safety. As our usual operations, we may collect information about you and how you interact with our website.

Personal data

Hereby, in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006, I freely, by my own will and in my interest express my unconditional consent to the processing of my personal data by AVISI LLC (OGRN 1067746304955, TIN 7702595400), registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the address: UL. GILYAROVSKOGO, D. 57, OFFICE 234, MOSCOW, Russia, 107996 (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

Personal data - any information relating to a natural person determined or determined on the basis of such information.

This Consent has been issued by me for the processing of the following personal data:
- Name;
- Surname;
- Middle name;
- Date of Birth;
- Phone;
- E-mail;

Consent is given to the Operator to perform the following actions with my personal data using automation tools and / or without using such tools: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, depersonalization, as well as any other actions provided for the current legislation of the Russian Federation, both by non-automated and automated methods.
This consent is given to the Operator to process my personal data for the following purposes:
- providing me with services / work;
- sending me notifications regarding the services / work provided;
- preparation and sending of answers to my inquiries;
- sending information to me, including advertising, about events / products / services / work of the Operator.

This consent is valid until revoked by sending a notification to info@avchealth.eu. If I withdraw my consent to the processing of personal data, the Operator has the right to continue processing personal data without my consent if there are reasons specified in clauses 2–11 of part 1 of article 6, part 2 of article 10 and part 2 of article 11 of Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ “On personal data ”dated June 26, 2006

Service information

Non-personal information is collected for statistics on the use of the website, its performance and effectiveness. They are used to improve customer service, simplify working with the site and improve its materials.

Dissemination of information to third parties

AVC Health does not disclose your personal information to a third party without your consent. We may disclose your personal information to third parties only to comply with your instructions or, accordingly, with your express consent.